Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our family hosted Thanksgiving this year! We gathered everyone on my dad's side, making about 20 people around the table! Everyone chipped in and brought something, whether it was bread and cheese or pumpkin pie. It was a feast and we have enough leftovers to eat turkey for the next week!

Staying true to my gluten-free diet was no easy feat and I (almost) succeeded! Except for a tiny bit of pie crust and a sip or two of beer, I had no bread, stuffing or anything gluten-y!
Turkey, potatoes, ham, wild rice and mashed sweet potatoes!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


  1. Oh my. That looks incredibly delicious. And as crazy as this sounds - I had absolutely no idea that Canadian Thanksgiving fell in October, until I read this post. Interesting!

    1. It was! We ate like pigs! Haha most people don't. For a long time, I didn't know that Americans did it in November!


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