Thursday, August 22, 2013

Writing & Determination

A couple of years ago, I started writing a book. I wrote the story of a broken hearted girl whose friends try to set her up with this super hot guy, who doesn't end up being who she thinks he is. I know it sounds like the typical teenage paranormal romance, but I love that stuff. I just started writing and writing and writing, and before I knew it, I had written a novel. Well, sort of. It wasn't anywhere close to being "ready" or anything, but it was still an accomplishment. The whole thing is 72 pages (on Microsoft Word), 50,405 words and 19 chapters.

I've had a writer's block for almost 3 years now. I just got sick of writing that story, so I left it alone. For a long time, I've been meaning to go over it, to adjust and rewrite, but I never got around to it. I wanted to restart from scratch, to rewrite the entire thing.

Last night, I was so wired after seeing City of Bones, that I started thinking about writing. And I kept thinking. Until 3 am. By then, I had a new plot, semi-new characters (I only rewrote some of them) and a brand new determination to write this story. This time, I'm not giving up.

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